Here are the top 10 things you can do relatively easily to save energy in your air compressor system. These simple steps make can have a real impact on your energy bill.
A 20 hp compressor running 8 hours a day, 50 weeks a year, at $0.08 per KW, costs $4200 a year to operate.
Here is a list of 10 items that you can do to save energy in your air system that are simple and inexpensive. Every dollar saved goes to your bottom line 2020
Check the following 10 items in your facility for the next 30 days:
- Turn If Off – Any compressor, or chiller system, that is not in use should be turned off as a regular routine or put on a timer. Savings 20-40%.
- Repair Leaks – Walk around your plant during downtime to find the easy leaks and repair them. Leaky hoses and disconnects are likely suspects. Savings 15-20%.
- Clean Coolers and Condensers – Compressors/chillers/dryers need clean coolers to be 100% efficiency. Savings 15-20%.
- Change Any Open Blow Offs – Convert blow-offs to a low-cost flow reduction nozzle. Savings 20-30% with a noise reduction a bonus.
- Change Filters – After six months, compressor inlet and compressor line filters need to be changed to minimize pressure drop. Savings 5-10%.
- Open Vents – A 120° F room causes the compressor to lose 20% capacity. Maintain room by opening vents to as close to 95° as possible Savings 15 -20%.
- Eliminate Air Loss Drains – Replace any open condensate drain, or solenoid drain valve, with zero-loss drain. Savings 3-5% with less than 6-month payback.
- Reduce System Pressure Drop – Determine major pressure drops with an accurate gauge. Repair to 10 PSI drop with simple pipe changes. Savings up to 10%.
- Change System Pressure – Reduce to minimum PSI that all equipment will work properly. A 2 PSI reduction = 1% power cost. Savings up to 10%.
- Free System Reviews – Use the experience of your Power Company, or Compressor/Cooling System Vendor, to review your system for initial recommendations – priceless.
For minimal investment in the first few months of 2020, you can save thousands in power costs on your compressor system.
Need Some Assistance – ACW engineers can walk-through in approximately 45 minutes to give you some direction on the low hanging fruit for savings in your compressor system.
Email or call (800) 345-4364 an ACW specialist be in touch.