All compressed air systems squeeze water vapor out of the air into liquid water as the air is compressed. This water is called condensate is oily because the compressor needs oil around the pistons or screws to lubricate and seal the unit. In most places around the world, it’s illegal to just dump this oily condensate down the drain. You have to get take the oil out of it first.
The first step is to have the right drains in the right places - at the tank, dryer, and filters. Each drain serves the purpose of taking part of the water out of the system at the point where the air either cools down or slows down. Zero loss drains are the most effective as they use no CFM and no energy.
Once the condensate is drained it needs to be cleaned of any residual oil so that it can be legally disposed of either into a city drain or other appropriate measures. Most Florida municipalities require this type of unit which is called an oil water separator or a condensate management system.
Make sure that you are not using wasting energy with your drains, as well as meeting the legal requirements of your city for condensate disposal. If you need assistance, please contact the Air Compressor Works customer service team. We’d be happy to help.
1956 W 9th St
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
Monday – Friday 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Map and Directions
7292 NW 25th St
Doral, FL 33122
Monday – Friday 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Map and Directions